!! Namah Shivay !!
Dearly called upon by all as BABAJI. First time i listened to babaji's show on aashtha channel then it became my habit to see his programe whenever i get time. Avdhoot Baba is father of Shiddha Healing. Baba said from childhood he was very Jakki. From the very childhood Babaji had a strong passion for God realisation. This unceasing and overwhelming desire led Babaji to the ultimate union with Divine Bliss. Immersed in God realisation, blessed with the divine healing powers, overflowing with love, grace and compassion Babaji is guiding the humankind to use the divine energy to lead a complete and balanced life ultimately reaching their divine destiny i.e. the Union with the Infinite.
First thing that Babaji asks us "TUM CHAHTE KYA HO" i.e What do You want. Anything that we project is achieved.Baba asks us to give uncontional love to each and every object in this universe.Babaji often says in all his shivirs that “You are that light, you are the Divinity, you are the light, this is what you have forgotten. I have come here to remind you, that you are Infinite, you are Sat Chit Anand, you are the Highest level of Bliss, you are the Infinite power,you are the creator of your own Destiny.” Never judge anyone. Be content with yourself. Avdhoot Baba teaches SHIV YOG- Science Beyond Science.
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